How To Remove Pet Stains From The Mattress?

One should take action immediately if he or she spots a pet stain on the mattress. This is because it will affect the air around the area of the pet stain, which will cause discomfort since the pet stain is so stinky. The smell may make people around there to even start sneezing. Apart from that, it will also make the area look unpleasing where the stain is present. Since no one likes to be associated with such stains so for mattress stain removal you need to hire professional mattress stain removal service provider.

Pet Stain Removal

Some Major Effects Of Pet Stains

The pets we are talking about here are majorly the cats and dogs since they love to use your mattress.

When the dog urinates on the mattress, the urine will be mixed with moisture as time goes by, and this will lead to the growth of mold on the mattress. This will cause some bacteria like penicillin to develop hence interfere with the breathing system of the human beings around the vicinity.

In the case of the cat, their feces are not good for the human body. If they are not cleaned on time they can cause toxoplasmosis which is an illness caused after someone has been exposed to the parasite. So it is very important to remove the pet stains from the mattress.

Materials Required For Cleaning A Pet Stained Mattress

  • Rags
  • Baking soda
  • Distilled white vinegar or vodka 
  • Spraying bottle 
  • Gloves
  • Basin
  • Cleaning detergents

Procedure To Get Rid Of Urine Stains From The Mattress

  • Put On The GlovesNow, treat the stained area with distilled white vinegar or vodka using the spraying bottles. Always ensure that the room where you are conducting the mattress sanitization is clean.
  • After applying vinegar or vodka, let the mattress dry for a few minutes. Open all the windows and on ceiling fans for better air circulation which helps in drying. The importance of the air circulation during this process is that the air is used to accelerate the reaction between the vodka or vinegar and the pet stain on the mattress.
  • Pour some vinegar or vodka in the basin. Dip a rag in the basin and squeeze the rags then press it on the mattress specifically the area containing the stain. This will kill the smell completely.
  • Pour some baking soda on the stained area. Allow the baking soda to perform its work chemically for five hours for better results. After a few hours, you will notice that the baking soda becomes wet since it has mixed up with vinegar or vodka which had been poured in the same place.
  • You can even decide using a vacuum cleaner. If you’re not using the vacuum then you should take your mattress outside so that it can get the heat from the sun which will help in drying. But those who will be using the vacuum cleaners will not do such since no liquid will be left after vacuuming.

Take The Help Of Professionals

If you didn’t receive the best result then you can always take the help of professionals. Deluxe Mattress Cleaning provides the Best Mattress Cleaning Services in Melbourne. Our well-trained professionals are always here to help you if you are facing problems regarding stain removal. We offer a safe and reliable mattress pet urine stain removal service. Contact us today to book our service.

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