Best DIY Method For Mattress Deodrisation

It would be correct to say that any mattress plays an important role in our daily sleep and lifestyles. The mattress provides us with a soft comfortable found to sleep on while also enhancing the bedrooms. It’s highly suggested that you keep your mattress clean and hygienic. Follow routine cleaning of the mattress from time to time to keep the dirt and dust at bay.

Mattress Cleaning Service
Mattress Cleaning Service

A mattress can also stink and release bad odors into the indoor air. Any mattress will trap a lot of dead skin cells, bodily fluids, and various other organic matter. This bad odor is produced by the bacteria that will feed on the organic matter. You should follow mattress sanitization to get rid of this odor-producing bacteria. Mattress deodorization can be carried out at home by yourself. All you need to do is follow the steps mentioned below for mattress odor removal at home.

DIY Method For Mattress Deodorisation

Things You Need

  • Baking Soda
  • White Vinegar
  • Warm Water
  • Empty Spray Bottle
  • Vacuum Cleaner

Steps To Follow

  1. First, you need to clean the mattress completely and get rid of all the collected dirt, dust, and dead skin cells. Run a vacuum cleaner all over the surface of the mattress and extract all the debris and dust.
  2. Now make a solution of white vinegar with warm water, take an equal amount of both. Gently mix the solution and pour it into an empty spray bottle.
  3. Using the spray bottle, spray this vinegar solution over to the complete surface of the mattress. White vinegar is a natural disinfectant that will help terminate the odor-causing bacteria.
  4. After spraying vinegar, you need to sprinkle baking soda powder. Sprinkle baking soda powder all over the mattress and make sure you cover the mattress with baking soda completely. Baking soda has natural odor absorbing and disinfecting properties which is essential to deliver the mattress deodorization result.
  5. Leave the baking soda and white vinegar on the mattress for an hour or two. You can also keep the mattress under direct sunlight as it is for a day for better mattress odor removal results.
  6. Now use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the soda powder and debris. Run the cleaner and deep clean the mattress thoroughly. Make sure no amount of baking soda is left on the mattress. You may repeat the process if the odors persist or hire professional mattress cleaners.

Hire The Best Professional Mattress Cleaners

Mattress Sanitization Melbourne
Mattress Sanitization Melbourne

Mattresses play an important role in maintaining our overall health and peace of mind. Neglecting the cleaning and maintenance of the mattress can grievously affect our health. Deluxe Mattress Cleaning as a renowned company can provide you with all kinds of mattress cleaning services in Melbourne. Deliver specialized mattress cleaning services as per the need and requirements of our customers.

We have a highly skilled and efficient staff of professional mattress cleaners who excel in every aspect of mattress cleaning. We utilize modern tools and the latest equipment to deep clean the mattress effectively. Hire our mattress cleaning services at low costs today and let our experts deep clean your mattress.

Next Blog: How to Naturally Remove Urine Odor From The Mattress?

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